Using EDI Notepad to Save EDI TXT Files as XML Files
These steps describe how to use EDI Notepad to save an EDI 820 TXT file as an XML file, but the steps will be similar for saving other EDI transaction types (like 850 Purchase Order or 810 Invoice) as XML files.
March 4, 2023
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Major Considerations

Consider a grouping of related EDI data to be a batch.

Each batch will be referenced by different control numbers. There may be multiple batches and, therefore, multiple control numbers in one file, such as if you have two different 820 Payment Orders (each with their own related data) in one file.

In EDI Notepad, this will look like the following:

If the EDI file you’d like to convert to an XML file has multiple control numbers, you’ll need to complete steps 1 through 5 for the first control number with data you’d like to convert to an XML file and steps 3 and 5 for the remaining control numbers with data you’d like to convert to XML files.

If EDI Notepad is not already installed on your computer, then download and install EDI Notepad 8.2 according to the instructions in the article titled “How to Install EDI Notepad” before following the steps below.


  1. Open the EDI Notepad application.

  1. Open an EDI file, then click file.

  1. Click Open.

  1. Navigate to the folder with the TXT version of the EDI file you’d like to convert to XML.

  1. Select All files (*.*) in the file explorer drop-down menu in order to preview the file names.

  1. Click the name of the EDI file you’d like to convert to XML.

  1. Click Open.

  1. If a pop-up asks if you would like to open in EDIT mode instead, click No.

  1. Click on the control number associated with the EDI transaction type you’d like to convert to XML.  

  1. Display the selected batch in XML view:
  • Click the down arrow next to HTML.
  • Click XML.

  1. Save the document as an XML file:
  • Click File.

  1. Click Save As...

  1. Click Yes when asked if you’d like to save EDI data as XML.

  1. Navigate to the folder you’d like to save the XML file in. In the file name box, type the name you’d like to give the XML file.

  1. Click Save.

After following the steps listed in this article, you will be able to save EDI TXT files as XML files. This is particularly useful if you'd like to parse the contents of EDI files using SQL or another programming language.

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