Resetting a LEA Air Password
Step-by-step instructions for resetting a LEA Air password.
November 29, 2023
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This article describes how to reset a LEA Air password.

  1. Open https://lea/ in a new tab and log in with your username and password.

Note. You must log in with an account that has been assigned the Task Manager role. Also, you cannot change the password for the account that is currently logged in.

  1. Click on the main menu, then select the 'Office" option.

  1. On the "Employees" tab, type part of the employee's name, then click the "Search" button and double-click the appropriate employee row listed in the grid below.

  1. On the Employee detail screen, type in a temporary password for the user and click the "Save" button.

Note. Passwords should be unique, at least 12 characters and must contain lowercase, uppercase and numbers.

Once complete, securely provide the user with their new password.

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